Parasites we all have a few of them but we sure don't need them.
I recently attended seminar and was reminded about the trial and tribulations to our health when parasites invade our bodies. Warmer weather gives us all more opportunity to pick up these unwanted guest because we are outside more, we go barefoot, and we are around more insects and we travel more.
Never underestimate these pesky little creatures that can have a huge impact on your health. Also, we should never think that parasites only pose a threat in underdeveloped countries. They are alive and well here in the United States.
A parasite lives on other organisms. It derives its food, shelter and nutrition by taking it from the host it has chosen to take up home with. These little to sometimes microscopic pests are not discriminatory to their place of origin. Research has found that Americans are host to over 130 different kinds of parasites.
Lots of times symptoms from having parasites can give us an indication of other health issues. Here is an example of a case study: A middle aged women had symptoms of being tired, nauseous, frequent diarrhea, aching in her muscles and joints and at times ran a low grade fever. She also experienced headaches, blurred vision, gas and bloating and had some swelling in her legs, feet and ankles.
After several visits to her doctor she was always testing negative to any major health concern. She began researching her symptoms and found she may have parasites and her symptoms could be coming from an infestation. She began a natural parasite cleansing process and did eliminate tapeworms. Her medical issues gradually cleared up.
This sounds gross and they look awful when you expel them but better out then in!! They can rob your body of so many things, cause so many health issues and are very hard to detect in some cases.
There are many natural herbal remedies that can kill, help eliminate parasites and prevent parasites. Clients usually ask me if doing a parasite cleanse will be harmful if they are not infested with them but think they might be. Usually the herbs used to eliminate parasites will not cause you any issues when taken properly. Like anything else, tried to find out for sure and if you don’t need a parasite cleanse then don’t do one.
Here are some signs of parasites in adults. Please remember that symptoms can be similar to other health issues and you should always consult with your doctor when you are trying to find solutions to your health problems.
• Chronic Fatigue, tiredness, flu-like symptoms, depression and lack of concentration.
• Immune Dysfunction- immunoglobulin A is decreased by parasites.
• Constipation because parasites thrive in the colon, liver and bile duct.
• Diarrhea-gastrointestinal system balance is effected
• Nervousness-systematic parasites irritate the nervous system
• Anemia-large numbers of parasites deplete iron due to blood loss.
• Gas and Bloating-some worms live in the small intestines.
These are just a few symptoms that can be caused by parasites.
So how do we pick up parasites in the first place?
• Eating raw fish.
• Undercooked pork, fish and chicken
• Working around animals and this includes house pets.
• Having children in daycare so hand is a big washing a must!
• Insect bites and having insects get on food etc.
• Going bare foot outside especially in foreign countries.
• Traveling to foreign countries.
• Taking antacids all the time because our normal stomach acid kills some parasites and bacteria we get from food.
These are just a few ways these pesky creatures get inside us.
Here are some foods and herbs that discourage parasites:
• Garlic
• Onions
• Apple cider vinegar
• Cranberry juice
• Apples
• Pumpkin seeds or in herb form
• Black Walnut herb
• Olive leaf herb formula
• Yerba Santa herb
• Goldenseal herb
• Mugwort herb
• Wormwood herb
Note: There are parasite cleanses on the market that do a great job of riding the body of parasites. They are usually a fourteen day commitment and you should consult with your doctor, especially if you are on medications.
The Nature's Sunshine parasite cleanses you can read about are these:
Candida Clear
Go to and scroll down to the name and click. You can also print the information sheet off and order product from this website.
Making sure your colon is healthy is one of the best ways to prevent parasites from taking over. Candida is an over growth of yeast and fungus in the colon. Parasites love this environment! Medications such as chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics and steroids put the colon in an imbalanced state with a low amount of friendly bacteria such as lactobacacillus and bifidobacterium. You can supplement with probiotics daily to help keep the colon in good balance.
If you have health issues and you just can’t figure out what is going on, then maybe checking for parasites would help. If parasites are present and not in a systemic state they are relatively easy to kill off with natural remedies.
Carmela Roush is the owner of Natural Solutions Vitamin and Herb Consultants, a sister company to Shear Design in New Philadelphia, Ohio. This article appeared in the May Medical Publication in the Times Reporter